Approved for Storage Units, will sell with plans, etc. 2 acres of Industrial Land in Flint Township, substantially underpriced! Check with Flint Township Zoning Ordinance for Uses (a copy is provided herein from their website along with a zoning map). According to Flint Township: Sec. 14.3-186. - Principal uses permitted. In the industrial district, no land or building shall be used and no building shall be erected except for one or more of the following specified uses: Warehousing and wholesale establishments, and freight terminals. The manufacture, assembly, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment from previously prepared materials, or repair, of such products as, but not limited to: Bakery goods and candy; Cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and toiletries; Hardware and cutlery; Pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by electricity or gas; Musical instruments, toys, and novelties; Metal or rubber stamps, or other small molded rubber products; Electrical appliances, electronic instruments and devices, and electronic consumer products; Electric or neon signs; Light sheet metal products, including heating and ventilating equipment, siding, and the like; Textile goods; Apparel and leather goods; Furniture and fixtures; 9/27/22, 11:57 AM Flint Charter Township, (Genesee Co.), MI Code of Ordinances Printing and publishing; Tool, die, gauge, and machine shops; Experimental or testing laboratories; Railroad transfer and storage yards; Mini- or self-storage warehouses; Public and semi-public institutional buildings, structures and uses, and public parks; Essential public services; Essential public service buildings; Essential public storage yards; and Accessory buildings, structures and uses customarily incidental to any of the principal permitted uses set forth in this subsection.